The Akhil Bharatiya Veer Gurjar Adhivakta Parishad, a registered trust under the registration of Trust act having motto of working all over the country. Since its inception gurjar Adhivakta Parishad is working towards the object of resurrecting Bharatiya values and ingraingin idealism in the hearts of Advocates for improving efficacy and standards of the Bar and the Judiciary of the country. The Parishad has privilege of assoiciation of some of India’s most prominent legal luminaries.
The Gurjar adhivakta Parishad is also concerned about non-implementation of Article 48 of the Constitution, non-availability of affordable and expeditious justice and paucity of Judges etc. Our Parishad also thinking on all the legal and constitutional aspects and through changes in the laws, legal system, amendment in the constitution and above all change in the psychology of all involved in this process. We are also committed to organise seminars, workshops and educational programs across the Country, wherein, eminent persoanalities having knowledge of law and of society would be invited to share their experiences and knowledge with the members of Parishad. The Akhil Bharatiya Veer Gurjar Parishad has also planned to execute its policy of Justice at door step by setting up new Nayay kendras (Legal Aid Centers) throughout the Country.
Parishad makes interventions within justice delivery system and contributes to the law making process for the welfare of people. Parishad is working with non-partisan approach towards resolving the problems encountered by the society at large and the justice delivery system in particular with special focus on marginalised section of society. Adhivakta Parishad has been drawing the attention of the legal fraternity to various legal issues having social and cultural ramifications.
Akhil Bharatiya Veer Gurjar Adhivakta Parishad, a body of lawyers having its units in all the States and Union Territories through affliated State Bodies. It is an umbrella organization to different State bodies, having similar vision. The yearly meeting of National Executive and National Council of Parishad are held in different parts of the Country to ensure adequate represention of lawyers from every part of the Country. National Conference is held after every 3 years, which is attended by the members from all parts of the Country. Parishad conducts conferences, symposia and lectures on regular basis wherein Constiturional, National, Social, Legal, family and other issues affecting the society at large are discussed with the objective of making Advocates better equipped in their profession and to be better able to serve the cause of justice in consonance with Bharatiya traditions, values and sense of justice. For the benefit of young members of the Bar, the Parishad conducts study circles in all the Court complexes under its “Continuous Education Programme”. Parishad is also engaged in various academic and intellectual exercises including publishing a quarterly journal, which publishes articles by eminent personalities on recent judgements, new laws, Justice delivery system and Bhartiya Values etc.
Social justice
As per the Parishad’s philosophy, legal system is required to be more responsive to the needs of the down-trodden and the have-nots, Parishad runs Nyay for imparting free legal aid to the people living in villages and uraban slums. Parishad will file Public/social interest litigations to protect the rights and interest of deprived section of society.
Indocentric Legal System
It is a known fact that Bharat borrowed the British Legal system, it is also a fact that the society and the value system of Britain is different then that of Bharat, Adhivakta Parishad believes that the framers of the constitution did not start a new Constitution. The colonial legal system, the colonial laws were carried over and their procedures were retained. There were only outward changes in political control but nothing essential was changed in our social set up, in our economic system or our legal system. Adhivakta Parishad strives to develop the Legal system in accordance with the Indian tradition and philosophy of life as well as modern time / age.
Concerns for Women & Children
Status of women has advanced in many respects in the past decades but inequalities between men and women are still persisting, women are noticiably under-represented. Under representation of women is a concern for Adhivakta Parishad, at National as well as at State level, posts in the executive committees have been reserved for the women members. Parishad believes in the phylosphy of “Development of women is development of all”. Parishad has organised many symposiuma and seminars on subjects relating women and children. These symposiums were chaired by the sitting Supreme Court and High Court Judges and Cabinet Ministers and other eminent personalities. Recently female members of Parishad participated in nation wide consultations organised by National Commission for Women on National Policy for Women in different parts of the Country.
Protection of Human Rights
While emphasizing that the Constitution of India was inadequate and unable to protect the weaker and marginalized sections of society and we have equality in political life but in social and economic life we have inequalitie, Tthe activists of Adhivakta Parishad to take up the cause of orphans, beggars, vanvasis, prostitutes, displaced persons, denotified communities, bonded labor, Dalits, backward classes, victims of terrorism, riots and war, educated unemployed, workers, homeless, slum dwellers as the representatives of moral and social conscious of society and to do the needful to provide appropriate relief to them. He called upon the activists of Gurjar Adhivakta Parishad to come forward as champions of Human Rights and undertake the cause of poor and destitute as a life mission and be the nucleus of the constituent assembly of the resurgent Bharat.
Adhivakta Parishad is a catalyst. It provides the cutting edge to the Nyay Veer. Lawyer is the best defense of social order and justice.. The helpless, faceless common man/woman in the village, in the forest, in urban slum, must have trust in the constitutional democratic system. This faith has to be restored, sustained, and nurtured. Gurjar Adhivakata Parishad supplements and compliments the efforts made by field organisations and selfless persons working at grass roots.
The pictorial presentation is about various activities of the Parishad and the dignataries who have shared the dias of the Adhivakta Parishad on various occasions.